Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Choice to Love

               "And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me."
                                                                  Matthew 18:5

Hi.  My name is Kristi and the good looking guy in the picture to the left is my husband, Ryan.  We met at a football game in 2004; I was just 14 and he was only a few months older; we've been in love ever since.  We were hitched 3 days after Christmas in 2011, and are about to make the next big "move" - we're finalizing on our first home by the end of this week! 

Although that excitement is overwhelming and amazing, I seem to be overjoyed by a different thought.  God placed adoption on my heart years ago, but lately, it's grown so much that I'm praying for patience and the courage to wait for His perfect timing.  So, in the wait, I learn.  I've been preparing fundraising ideas and lists of helpful information so that when the time comes, we're ready.  I've been praying and I think that time to bring some beautiful children from anywhere in the world into our home will be sooner than later.  Although nerve racking, besides marrying this kid sitting next to me, I've never been so sure of anything else.  It's an amazing feeling to know exactly what you're supposed to do with your life, which makes the waiting even harder. 

This blog is to help me document this wonderful journey, starting with prayer and education.