Orphan Sunday is a beautiful thing. It encourages others to talk about the orphan care movement, to see the faces of those left in institutions and foster care, and to open their hearts to something new. Tomorrow will allow people to see the hope found in Jesus Christ. So, whether you go to church, sit in your room, watch tv, or sleep in tomorrow, I pray that you open your heart a little more than normal. Jesus can do some remarkable things... who knows - maybe you'll even get the "adoption bug".
"Orphan Sunday calls people to boldly turn their hearts to children who are often forgotten: America's foster children, who are dismissed as 'unadoptable' because they are over a desired age, or the 'unseen' orphans in third world countries. Orphan Sunday acknowledges the needs of these children, and launches a tangible hope that stretches far beyond the scope of our reach."
-Vanessa Vasquez
Sunday, November 3 will not be a typical Sunday. Orphan Sunday is a very profound demonstration to the world about who the church of Jesus Christ is. And it’s happening among thousands of congregations around the world as they all focus on God the Father’s heart for, and work on behalf of, the world’s fatherless.
Prayers go up, people are sent out, and orphans are brought into families.
Faith in Jesus is more than a belief
Faith in Jesus is a belief that is like believing in the existence of a loved one. You don’t just say, “I believe my wife exists,” and that be that. Instead, you demonstrate it by talking with her and learning what her desires are and then serving her in those.Orphan Sunday is a clear demonstration that we know our God and care about what He cares about by caring for orphans and vulnerable kids.
Our Father is good
Orphan Sunday sheds a public light on the inner life of the church. No one in the church is a disinterested bystander in the cause of the fatherless, since every one of us was rescued by God the Father and brought into His family through Jesus. When we get together to focus on that, we remind ourselves and those around us that our Father is good.’The Holy Spirit is building a family
Through biblical teaching on Orphan Sunday, there will undoubtedly be many who are moved by the Father’s goodness to faith in Jesus. Others will be moved to take steps toward adoption, foster care, or child sponsorship. All will clearly see the big story through the Bible is about the Holy Spirit turning people into God’s children as hearts cry, “Abba, Father!”The gospel is a message of hope for all creation
Everyone knows the world is messed up. We see it in the news, we smell it in the pollution, we feel it when we experience tragedy. No one is immune from the world’s brokenness.Orphan Sunday is just another opportunity to share the gospel’s message of hope for all creation. This is a truth that sticks out in Romans 8:21,”Creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” Speak out on November 3 that there is a future hope for the whole world and its found in Jesus Christ.
-Global Fingerprints
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