Monday, August 29, 2016

Pick Up Trip: Day 10

Boy oh boy does this trip seem to be lasting forever!  It is so hard when we don't have any appointments for 5 days.  Tomorrow we have our embassy interview, so at least we will feel like we're accomplishing something!

Today was a crazy day, for not having done much.  Jacky had a fever of 100-101 all night, and has therefore slept a lot and fussed a lot all day, and only wanted mama.  He is super hoarse, so his little cries are basically silent.  We did a lot of babywearing and nursing, despite having trouble breathing and an eye full of blocked tear duct goop.

Dad has been super sick too, and neither of the big kids napped, Ana had a low grade fever most of the day, and everyone was just slightly irritated at still being in Bulgaria and not being home.  I think we are all feeling the effects of 2 weeks of no routine, none of our normal food, the kids not having a specific space with more toys than what our suitcase could manage, and not being able to go outside when we please.  It's tough living in an apartment in the city, in a place that isn't our home.  We are beyond ready to get back and find our new normal.

We did make Niko some milk & peanut butter "soup" - just as many calories/fat as a whole jar of baby food!  He ate it all, which is amazing!  And then we waited to see if there were any allergic reactions - none!  So far, the 2 big kids are nut allergy free, which is kind of amazing!

After nap, we all headed out to "Happy's" for Ry's 27th birthday!  It was completely chaotic - Jack was exhausted, Ana was too, and Niko wasn't super interested in eating tonight.  So, needless to say, we got some good food and then ran right out of there!  There was a pharmacy and grocery on the bottom floor of the mall where we ate, so we headed down there and split up.  Gramm & Grandad got food, and we all went to the pharmacy to stock up on Niko's food - he's eating so much now, that we can hardly keep up!  It's ending up being about 8-10 cans of baby food a day.  Since we do baby led weaning with Ana & Jack, I've never had to devote so much energy to making sure we had plenty of baby food - shew!  I'm so nervous we're going to run out!  Can't wait til we get home and we can make him these power smoothies I've been prepping for!

Mom & Dad gave Ry 1/2 his birthday gift before we left, and brought the other 1/2 with them so he could open something on his birthday.  So, if we can stay awake, the grown ups (and Jack, since he is wide awake!) will be watching Man of Steel tonight.

Happy birthday, my love.  You are absolutely, without a doubt, the absolute best.  We are some blessed people to have you all to ourselves, forever.

Edit to Add: We went on a date tonight!  Granted, it was across the street to get cookies and water, but it was awesome! I think I skipped back across the street!

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