Friday, April 11, 2014

Thankful doesn't quite cut it.

To say we are thankful isn't enough.  I don't think there is a word in English to fully describe how we are feeling right now.  But, for linguistic sake, we'll use "thankful".

-We are so very thankful for each of your prayers, thoughts, love, and support.  It truly does take a village, and we really really love ours :)

-We are so very thankful for God's provision.  He has truly shown me that to trust means to TRUST and He has led us in faith as we follow His calling on our hearts.  He is truly amazing and worthy of all our praise.

-We are so very thankful for the wonderful fundraising ideas we have gotten from other adoptive families along this journey.  They have some wonderful insight and have helped lead us in very helpful ways, along with giving us the positive support we need to persevere through some of the battles.

-We are so very thankful to be able to close our silent auction with overwhelmingly excited/happy/surprised/thankful/grateful/amazed hearts.  Through your support, by donating, bidding, buying, and sharing, we were able to raise $1,537.31 through our silent auction and eBay sales.  That is an unbelievable blessing, and will help cover the rest of our 2nd agency installment fee and all of our CIS immigration fees (both of which will be paid for once our 4th interview takes place).  Can you believe that??? 

So, in summary....

YOU DA BOMB.  and we are thankful.