Monday, September 2, 2013

Poker Tournament - SUCCESS!

Our poker tournament went wonderfully!  It was such a fun time, and Ryan & I were able to meet some new people that night.  Everyone was so kind and thoughtful, and seemed to enjoy themselves - at least that's what I thought from all the laughing I heard :)  It was a big hit, and the game lasted until midnight, when the 3 men last standing decided to split the pot.  People graciously bought concessions, a few puzzle pieces, and bought back in.  I had a great time watching everyone play, and Ryan had a great time participating in the background.  We raised $350!!!

We really want to thank everyone who came out to our first poker tournament - it was such a huge success and it wouldn't have been without each of you!  Thank you for coming out, playing the game, and sacrificing your time & money for us!

We want to give a special thanks to Brian Elstner, Mike Smith, & Shaun Morris.  Thank you for reaching out to people on our behalf, giving us the most helpful advice, supporting us, and your willingness to donate so much to our little family.

We also want to thank the Cohen Family for letting us use their chips, chairs, and tables. You guys are the best!

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