Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Hello y'all!

I haven't written in a while - for that I am sorry!  Because of the hold, we're kind of in limbo as we wait for our agency's time frame to release in February.  But, through the hold, we have certainly had some changes occur in our story!

We would like to introduce...

Anastasia Lynne 

8lbs 3 oz, 22 in. long

We are so so blessed by this sweet girl.  Ana is absolutely adorable and so easy to take care of.  She must get her patience from her dad ;)  I'm pretty sure she's the happiest baby on the planet.  We can already tell she is going to be the best big sister. 

So, when February 20th rolls around, our new social worker will be getting a very excited email from us.  We know we are still probably 2-3 years away from bringing our kiddo home, so we don't want to extend that any more.  We are so beyond ready to pick back up where we left off!

ALSO - we wanted to extend a huge THANK YOU to those who bought soaps again!  They were a huge hit - we sold 101 bars in about 3 weeks!  We are so thankful for the Goat Milk Stuff, Inc. farm (located in Indiana) for hosting such a great fundraiser.  And we are doubly thankful for those who participated!!  Thank you for choosing our fundraiser to buy your Christmas gifts this year :) We hope you love them as much as we do!

We'll post again when the time gets close to our hold being lifted. 

Please pray for:

a smooth transition with our new social worker
no delay in paperwork that has to be refiled (blood work redone, fingerprints redone, etc)
to finish our home study by summer
a quick progression to our dossier so we can get our file OVERSEAS!

Much Love,
Kristi, Ry, & Ana

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