Monday, August 29, 2016

Pick Up Trip: Day 9

Well, this is getting posted late because, well, BABY.

Jacky & Grandad caught the "orphanage crud" (as it's so lovingly been called) - they both had fevers all night and couldn't breathe very well.  Grandad handled himself, locking himself in the family room.  Jacky on the other hand...  poor baby.  Couldn't nurse very well (and he's used to nursing all night!) and couldn't really lay flat.  He was stripped down to his diaper, and Ry & I took shifts sleeping sitting up.  Even Ana had a low grade fever when she woke up, but everyone seems to be fever free now, just tired.  Jack is currently knocked out in the ergo while I type.

So, yesterday wore out all the littles (and lets be honest, the bigs too)  but it was a good day.  We caught a cab to a park that had slides and a playground so that we could meet another family who was in Sofia on their pick up trip.  Their little guy is absolutely adorable, and it was awesome to meet people whose family looks similar to ours!  They are from Texas and it was a real blessing to be able to connect while we are here.

Our sweet girl got some serious play time, and then we headed down to Vitosha Blvd (which was NOT the street we had been thinking was Vitosha this whole week - we still don't know what street we've been visiting lol).  Ana was so exhausted that she fell asleep waiting for her lunch - this NEVER happens.  I think this trip has made her a lot more flexible about where she will sleep - this was originally the child who would only sleep in her bed, in her room, with her turtle and her special covers.  We all ate (what was a very strange meal) while the table next to us stared on in shock, or fascination, at our table.  One child was fast asleep in her chair, one child, who looks Roma and not like us, was being fed baby food that we brought with us, and another child was being pulled out from under my shirt.  We must have looked like a circus act to them!  They just kept staring on, and I tried not to give them crazy eyes back.  Then, as we were leaving, a deaf lady came up and handed Ry a piece of paper asking for money.  I tried to chat with her using the little international sign language I know, but she either didn't really know bulgarian sign and just kept signing the same thing that she had learned over and over, or she didn't know how to break down her language to help me understand her.  I finally just signed the international sign for "money" and gave her 2 Lev.  After that, we had multiple people stop us for money - they were very persistent - but we learned quickly to just not.  

We caught a cab back, tried to put the boys down for a nap (Niko's naps, we are learning, are not really naps, which is sad for this mama who needs her nap time to rejuvenate!) and played around the apartment.  We ate dinner in, which was nice since Jack took such a long nap (now knowing it's because he was coming down with this awful cold!).  Mom has been the best postpartum/post adoption doula around, and has been washing dishes, washing clothes, and making food whenever someone says they need something.  So she made us spaghetti and it tasted pretty good!  

Jack and Ana got a bath together for the first time to try and help get some germs off their little bodies, but it didn't seem to help considering how they felt throughout the night.  But, I think Ana thought it was fun to be in there with someone else.  Jack still doesn't like the water, so he was not amused.  I put Jack down, Ry put Niko down, and I went back to put Ana to sleep that night, and both us girls fell asleep holding hands.  I seriously love my girl so much.  Mom came and woke me up at about 10pm, telling me she saw beautiful fireworks out the window earlier.  I headed to bed, and started cuddle walking with Jack not too long after.

Today is Ry's 27th BIRTHDAY, so we will be going out to celebrate tonight!


"Mama, cheers me!"

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